How to Simplify Christmas?
Dec 5, 2018 - Christmas , Montessori , Parenting , Simplicity Parenting - By Carine Robin
Christmas or any other celebration can be an overwhelming time.
We are caught in a spiral of must do and we want to create a magical time for our children, sometimes at great costs: energy costs, money costs, and calmness costs.
Our children, in fact, don't need much.

Children see magic everywhere.
The real world is magical and new and full of wonders for children.
Children will marvel at the Christmas lights, will be delighted to smell the new Christmas aromas.
They will be thrilled to go for a walk in the first snow. They will love to connect with you through everyday mundane activities with or without a Christmas twist.
Children under 6 don't need fantasy but it's not a big deal to be exposed and fantasy is something different than pretend play.
Christmas can be simple, Christmas without imposed fantasy can be magical.
We have made Christmas magical for our children without commercially imposed traditions.
We intend to keep it that way and we enjoy this time of the year tremendously.
We pick and choose what fits our values and our Montessori lifestyle.
I wanted to inspire you to do the same so here are some resources and ideas for you.

In the book "Simplicity Parenting", Kim John Payne talks about "soul fever".
So how to avoid soul fever this Christmas?
For children and for us the adults!
The Simplicity parenting way would be to take into account the 4 pillars of Simplicity:
- Simplify your environment : reduce the decorations. The same way a Montessori classroom has bare and neutral walls, you can reduce the overwhelm by keeping your decorations simple. I have sorted through my decorations in the middle of July. That way, I had a clear head to make some decisions about what to keep or not. I knew also if some decorations were needed. In my case, I needed more garlands as we always have a big real Christmas tree. I, therefore, bought them in Charity shops in the middle of November.
- Rhythm: Children thrive on routine. It might be overwhelming for them to have a complete overhaul of their routine to fit in many Christmas activities. Take the time to reflect if the activities you want to offer are suitable for their age, development and are they necessary? My daughter went once to see Santa when she was 7. We didn't miss that tradition at all and our Christmas time is well-loved every year. Children love to repeat the same activities every year. It is us, the adults, who need extra stimulation so just join your child in their joy to make the same Reindeer crafts as last year. That gives an understanding of time and of the passing of the seasons to repeat some activities and traditions. Outside the specific activities, keep your family life simple and predictable. Keep your sleep routine the same even if you sleep elsewhere. Schedule some downtime and slow days at home to rest after an overwhelming visit.
- Schedule mindfully the extra activities and keep the schedule as flexible as possible. I personally respect the Montessori principles during the first 6 years and avoid too many fantasy-based activities as it can be "frightening" for some children.
- Filter out the Adult world: In our family, we don't listen to the news as we don't want our children to be exposed to information that they cannot understand without support. In the holidays time, we receive many solicitations to help charities. We make some choices as adults and introduce the charity of our choice to our children. That way we can answer their questions. During family events, be mindful of the adult's conversations and redirect the conversation if needed. My dad has a tendency to chat about politics and horrible news, aka inappropriate topics for our children. I have learned to ask about the weather in the middle of the conversation. It is a code between me and my husband to step in and redirect the conversation towards the more age-appropriate conversation.
Tips for you, the parent:
- allow yourself to say no: you don't need to do everything, you don't need to help everyone. You don't need to keep up with the traditions if they don't serve you.
- don't compare yourself to others on social media: maybe, it's a good time to take a break from social media. It is too easy to be caught up in an "I'm not enough, I don't do enough or I am not a good mother" because you don't offer that magical experience, that wonderful craft, or that amazing Christmas book collection.
- keep your self-care routine: if you don't have one, start one now! For me, it is a bath every couple of days with essential oil and Epsom salt. Read here for 100 ideas of self-care (that you can do with the children)
- ask for support: you don't have to do it all by yourself! Share the load with your partner and extended family and friends.
- have a chat with your co-parent: what traditions are important for you? Why do you want those traditions?
- plan for January: plan activities, plan your budget, plan some family time, and connection activities. January is a risky month for everyone after a busy, exciting December. If you are looking forward to January, you will enjoy that month too!

Some resources:
Simplicity parenting book
The book of New family traditions
The rhythm of family
Amanda Blake Soul is my favourite blogger for a simple living inspiration!
Some super simple activities - Inspiration from Instagram
- A treasure hunt by @mavietrepidantedemaman
- Orange and cloves to make your house smell so good from Earthschooling. Tip: prick the skin with a pin punch to insert the cloves easily.
- I see at least one post a day about these natural garlands. I love the one from herheartshomeschool
I wish you a simple and peaceful holidays seasons!
Join our chat about Simplify traditions here
Join the free mini-course to simplify the festive seasons! It's all done by email and self-pace and it's my gift to you!
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About the Author: Carine Robin is a qualified and experienced Montessori teacher and founder of The Montessori Family. With over 15 years of experience, Carine offers a blend of professional insight and personal understanding as a mother of two and qualified child psychologist. Inspired by the success of her Montessori subscription box, she created The Montessori Family to provide a comprehensive resource for parents and teachers globally. This platform aims to support child growth and well-being through curated educational activities. Additionally, Carine maintains the UK's most popular Montessori blog and administers the largest Montessori UK Facebook group, making her a central figure in the Montessori community.

This is such an excellent reminder. “Children see magic everywhere.” Yes, yes, yes! 🙂